Detroit GMB Participates in Hydrate Detroit May Day Event

On May 1, 2022, Hydrate Detroit and MIMAC (Michigan Mutual Aid Coalition) hosted a May Day event under the pavilion in Dueweke Park in Detroit. PSL, Fight For $15, and the Detroit General Membership Branch of the IWW also atteneded and participated in the event. The Detroit GMB helped fund the event by giving funds for food and drink, and the AgitProp committee tabled at the event. Free food was given out to try and draw in the public.

The Agit Prop committee talked about the IWW with attendees of the event. The committee sold buttons for a dollar and handed out copies of “Think It Over: An Introduction to the IWW”. Later in the evening, a member of the Detroit GMB branch appeared on a radio show to talk about the IWW.